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  • Writer's pictureAteneo Intellectual Property Office [AIPO]

AIPO’s SPRINT-STEP Team conducts Technology Assessment for CALAMI-T in Baguio

On February 7, 2024, the Ateneo Intellectual Property Office (AIPO) Short-term Program for Researchers on Innovation and Technopreneurship - Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Program (​​SPRINT-STEP*) team visited the University of the Cordilleras in Baguio City to assess the progress and impact of the CALAMI-T group, one of the startup teams supported by the program. The purpose of this visit was to observe the startup’s innovative technology in action and its direct impact on the community.

Photo: The AIPO SPRINT-STEP and CALAMI-T teams with the latter’s technology

Led by Dr Thelma D. Palaoag, Director for Innovation and Technology Transfer Office and Engr Nathaniel Vincent A. Lubrica, Executive Director, Research Services of the University of the Cordilleras, the AIPO team was warmly welcomed and was given an orientation about how the  innovation revolved around the deployment of sensors designed to monitor soil movement in land and mountainous areas.

Photo: The AIPO SPRINT-STEP and CALAMI-T teams at one of the sites

in Baguio where the technology was installed

The CALAMI-T technology comprises a set of advanced sensors calibrated to determine both land moisture and rainfall levels. These sensors, empowered through a combination of batteries and solar panels, form an effective and sustainable system. Planted deep underground, a sensor embedded in a 70-foot pole serves as an identifier of the land’s propensity. The primary objective is to anticipate potential land movement, specifically to provide warning to prone areas to prevent casualties due to landslides. What sets this technology apart is its strong data analytics capabilities integrated into the system.

The technology is currently installed across various sites in the region, and the group is actively collecting data to enhance their understanding of soil conditions and movement patterns. The emphasis on data analytics reflects the group's commitment to developing a comprehensive and proactive approach to landslide prediction. CALAMI-T holds profound significance for the local community, especially considering the region's history of landslides. Their primary goal is to prevent loss of life and property by providing early warnings based on well-timed data analysis. This preventive approach aligns with the broader mission of the STEP program, showcasing the practical application of science and technology for the betterment of society.

The combination of advanced sensors and innovative data analytics showcases not only the technical prowess of the CALAMI-T technology but also its potential to save lives and mitigate the impact of natural disasters. AIPO looks forward to tracking the progress of the CALAMI-T group as they continue to improve and reach their STEP project objectives which include successfully spinning off and commercializing their technology.

*SPRINT-STEP, a project led by Ms May Ann Udtojan, MSc of AIPO, is generously funded by the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) - Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology Research and Development (PCIEERD). The project is dedicated to empowering scientists and engineers with essential entrepreneurial skills tailored for sustainable innovation models. This comprehensive program aims to foster an entrepreneurial mindset, effectively bridging the realms of research and business.


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